Friday, August 22, 2008

13 in 12

...after Jon's comment on my post from 8/7 I started looking into just how "doable" 13 marathons (or beyond) in 12 weeks (79 days) in the local Seattle area really is... here's what I've determined...

IF all the races that took place last year take place again this year and IF one more race crops up sometime between December 1st and February 15th, it's then not completely unreasonable (or that expensive*) to pull it off... here's how I figure that...
  1. Ghost of Seattle Marathon/50K - 11/29
  2. Seattle Marathon - 11/30
  3. Birch Bay Ghost Marathon - 12/13
  4. Pigtail's Flat Ass Marathon/50K - 12/20
  5. Tiger Dumb Ass 50K - 12/21
  6. Last Chance Marathon - 12/31
  7. Western Washington Fat Ass 50K - 1/3
  8. Bridal Trails 50K - 1/10
  9. Capitol Peaks Mega Fat Ass 34 mile - 1/17
  10. Pigtail's Run 50K - 1/24
  11. Yours Truly 50K (I) - 1/25
  12. Lord Hill Trail Run 50K - 2/1
Green represents races I have either registered for or intent to. Red represents unconfirmed races. The others I would register for IF I intend to go for the 13 in 12.... we'll see about that, it entails a lot more than just being willing to run...

* $178 = 12 races = 360.6 miles


Jon said...

You're missing one race! Remember Bob Green's "Holiday" Marathons?

Bob puts on the X-Mas Marathon usually within the same week or a week earlier from when the Pigtails Marathon/Ultra is put on.

And it looks like Bob is putting it on December 16th (A Sunday)

So, there's your 13 in 79. :-)

Nic said... looked good for a minute there, but it looks like the old xmas marathon is on 12/21
( ) the same day as the Tiger Dumb Ass, which I'd prefer to run, despite it looking three times harder ;-)

If I decide to go for the 13 in 12, I may just put one on come that last weekend of eligibility (Feb. 14th or 15th), I will have made up my mind by Oct. 15th (last day to register for Seattle @ $90).